I grew up in upstate New York where I lived until I was 18. I have skied all over the northeast USA. New York, Vermont and Mass. I have skied at some of the best resorts in all three states.
I have skied all over Alaska also. I served 20 years in the US Army and skied all over Europe as well. Innsbruck was most likely the best ski resort with the best runs that I have ever skied on. The runs seemed to last forever. You would wonder when you would ever get down to the base of the mountain. There were a large selection of different levels of ski slopes from beginner to expert. I would consider myself an expert since I have skied since I was a child. I started when I was 9 years old and I am 44 now. I was stationed in Germany where I skied also.
Innsbruck Austria offers the greatest skiing potentially anywhere and I think that I have skied enough places in the world to make that statement. No wonder the olympics ware held there I believe twice. What a great skiing experience.