Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for Innsbruck - Nordkette

Planning a ski trip to Innsbruck - Nordkette? Browse our collection of visitor-generated reviews that rank the mountain and ski town on a scale of one to five stars in the following categories: Overall Rating, All-Mountain Terrain, Nightlife, Terrain Park and Family Friendly. See how Innsbruck - Nordkette stacks up to others in terms of skiing and après, and read up on pros, cons and comments from fellow skiers and snowboarders. Don't forget to submit your own Innsbruck - Nordkette review! Scroll to the bottom of this page to let other travelers know about your ski area experience.

Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for Innsbruck - Nordkette

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Innsbruck is a very good place to stay. You have all the advantages what cities offers you and additionally you have great opportunities to ski. There are a few skiing areas surrounded By Innsbruck. The nordpark is a very individual skiing area. Most possibilities you have there for freeriding. If you go to the top of the mountain you have very difficult steep runs which are not prepared by machines. You will only find two lifts except from the cable cars and only some official slopes which are red and only one blue slope. The nordpark is very famous to the locals and if there is fresh powder it is the best area to go for freeskiing. There is also a good park up there. Not so many jumps but quite good and always good visited. Beside the skiing also a lot of tourist come up to the top for taking photos because of its incredible view you´ve got from above the mountain. To get to the skiing area it only takes about 30min from Innsbruck but then you are also about 1500 meters above the city.
not many slopes
Der Nordpark in Innsbruck ist das Hausgebiet der Innsbrucker. Der Berg strahlt bei schönem Wetter über die ganze Stadt und ist mit der Nordkettenbahn und der Gondel direkt von der Stadt aus zu erreichen. Allerdings ist dieses Skigebiet nicht für alle geeignet. Der obere Teil des Gebietes ( Hafelekar) ist extrem steil und nur für geübte Fahrer. Auf der Seegrube steht ein Park mit Halfpipe. Von der Seegrube und vom Hafelekar hat man bei schönem Wetter einen wunderbaren Ausblick über die Stadt und die Alpen. Der Nordpark profitiert oft von viel Schnee. Dies kann aber auch dazu führen, dass man in der Früh warten muss, bis alle Lawinen abgesprengt sind. Auf der Seegrube gibt es eine Piste die auch für ungeübete Skifahrer der Beginner geeignet ist. Der Rest des Gebietes ist relativ steil. Was dieses Gebiet aber vor allem auszeichnet sind die zahlreichen Freeridemöglichkeiten. Ist man ein geübter Tourengeher und kennt man sich auf dem Berg etwas aus, so sind die Möglichkeiten fast grenzenlos. Allerdings sollte man nur mit Lawinenausrüstung ins Backcountry gehen.
Direkte Verbindung von der Stadt/ Atemberaubende Aussicht
Kleines Gebiet/ Je nach Lawinenlage geschlossen
I visited Innsbruck the week of New Years in 2005. The Nordpark ski area, which is located across Inns River from the old town center, is the only ski area that opperates directly out of Innsbruck. The rest of the areas require a bus ride upwards of an hour to reach from the city center. There are only a few lifts and runs, but they are adequately difficult. The runs off the top of the gondola are challenging and filled with powder, but very short. This area is good for a day when you get a late start or want to head back to town early. Apres-ski for the resort is excellent because you have the entire town of Innsbruck at your disposal. Overall, I wouldn't plan my trip around coming to Nordpark, but it serves a purpose.
Mountain rises directly out of a big city
Limited Terrain (Size & Variety)
I grew up in upstate New York where I lived until I was 18. I have skied all over the northeast USA. New York, Vermont and Mass. I have skied at some of the best resorts in all three states. I have skied all over Alaska also. I served 20 years in the US Army and skied all over Europe as well. Innsbruck was most likely the best ski resort with the best runs that I have ever skied on. The runs seemed to last forever. You would wonder when you would ever get down to the base of the mountain. There were a large selection of different levels of ski slopes from beginner to expert. I would consider myself an expert since I have skied since I was a child. I started when I was 9 years old and I am 44 now. I was stationed in Germany where I skied also. Innsbruck Austria offers the greatest skiing potentially anywhere and I think that I have skied enough places in the world to make that statement. No wonder the olympics ware held there I believe twice. What a great skiing experience.
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