Small skiing area located on the route from Austria to Italy. It is a funny skiing area for a couple of days but afterwards it is getting a little bit boring. Unfortunately you also have a lot of shadow during the day, so it can be very could out there but therefore you also have mostly good snow conditions. The slopes are quite difficult but you also have the possibility to do some easier ones. Additionally the runs are bright and there are not so many people in this area so you have enough freedom and space for skiing. They also offer night skiing over there what is a nice experience because the sight is very good with the special lights. If you have enough from skiing you can also go for bobsleighing also possible in the evening. One year they had a park but the last time when I was ther it was gone.
For après ski you have some opportunities but in the bars are mainly locals. The Wipptal offers another opportunities especially for ski touring. So if you stay in Steinach you can also do some other stuff and you can also visit Innsbruck what is the capital of Tirol a very nice city and very close to the skiing area.