Before putting on your skis, check the snow conditions at Abisko Nuolja one last time.
Height and quality of the snow, date of the last snowfall, today's weather, temperature, wind... all the information you are looking for to have a great day of skiing. Please note Abisko Nuolja snow reports are sourced directly from the ski resort and are only recorded during the official ski season's opening to closing dates.
First and foremost, this is not an average ski resort. Nuolja is a mountain in its purest form, wild and uncertain. The skiing takes place in two zones – either inside or outside the ski area. There is ski patrol in the area and the risk for an avalanche is reduced daily to very little. If you choose to ski outside the area, you are completely vulnerable to your own judgement and your own decisions. A large dose of humility and own taking your own responsibility are needed.
Despite the problem and dangers, there are possibilities that make Nuolja great. The advantage of you designing your own 500 metres of descent from the beginning to the end in natural mountain terrain.