The Ventoux - Mont Serein snow report for Mar 21 is a 10cm base depth with of 8 lifts open. Please note ski conditions and snowfall at Ventoux - Mont Serein are sourced directly from the ski resort and are only recorded during the official ski season's opening to closing dates.
1912m high Mont Ventoux is the biggest mountain in Provence, its height meaning it normally has good snow cover from December to April. From its summit you have great views across the Rhone Valley and beyond.
The mountain is an area of great significance for flora and fauna and has been declared an important biosphere by UNESCO. As well as being a winter ski area, the slopes are also regarded a major summer challenge for cyclists, and this is a key stage in the famous Tour de France race. Although 'Ventoux' means windy, a potential problem for skiers, the lifts are all surface drags, lessening operational difficulties on windy days. Night skiing is also organised.