The Valberg snow report for Mar 25 is a 70cm base depth with 11 of 15 lifts open. Please note ski conditions and snowfall at Valberg are sourced directly from the ski resort and are only recorded during the official ski season's opening to closing dates.
Located 1 hour from the mediterraneen coastline, in a protected environment at the Mercantour doors, the Valberg resort offers you several activities, in summer as in winter. Let you slide : alpine sking, cross-country skiing, snowshoes, skis mountaineering, snowpark, and all typ of glide... under the mediterraneen sun ! No skiing today? Why don’t you go on walks or horseback rides in snow ? Here, children are kings : Bear cubs parks to learn skiing, nursery The « P'tits Poucets”, sport and handy animations, luge track, and of course snowballs battle and snowman… Valberg : a magic place...