Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for Praloup

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Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for Praloup

Total (3.5)
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65 Total Reviews:
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Sally Black
Pra Loup has quite a big ski area which is lift linked to the neighbouring resort of La Foux. Pra Loup itself is divided in to two, the main original resort and then a new development a mile or so away with nicer modern accommodation. We stayed in that and had a great apartment, but most of the facilities were up at the original village so we spent a lot of time driving up there trying to find a place to park or on the ski bus. There's a good mix of ski runs and I visited with my younger brother who was well looked after is the ski school. At the top resort there's a nice semi-covered arcade of shops and restaurants - must be 20 or 30 - so everything was easy to reach and we had a good affordable meal each night, usually crepes or pizza. So all in all it was just a nice relaxed place. We drove up from Nice and i think a lot of other people come from Marseille. It is mostly French guests there, not many international.
Laid back, sunny, relaxed ski resorts.
Slightly fragmented resort base.
great good snow very friendly theres a great snow park + the snow really is amazing veiws at the top are too#
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