Sauze d'Oulx snow report

The Sauze d'Oulx snow report for Mar 25 is a 25cm base depth with 9 of 13 lifts open. Please note ski conditions and snowfall at Sauze d'Oulx are sourced directly from the ski resort and are only recorded during the official ski season's opening to closing dates.
Sauze d'OulxOpen

Recent Snowfall



Wet Snow


Packed Powder

Depth vs Average

vs average of 60cm on Mar 25
Lifts Open
9/13 open
Runs Open
54/73 open
Runs Open

First Hand Report

Photo is a fair reflection of the weather and slopes on Saturday 22nd March. Plenty of snow on the main slopes with off piste possibilities. Slushy and a bit rocky on the decent down to Sauze at the end if the day but you can get the chair down instead. This was our day 6 and we had several sensatio...
2 days ago

Resort Overview

Dec 07
Projected Opening
Apr 06
Projected Closing
Situated at one end of the lift-linked Milky Way, Sauze is one of the bigger and more popular resorts in the 440km ski area. Sauze has been reinventing itself over the last decade or so: it has shaken off its 80s image as a haven for the worst excesses of British lager-louts abroad. This charming medieval village – at least one half is charming and medieval – now appeals to families as well as party-goers: walk into one bar and you’d see seasonaires chugging cement mixers – a nauseating cocktail of baileys, lime and gin – and down the street you’d find waiters decanting bottles of fine Barolo – the local Piedmontise wine. The skiing is all things to all people. While Sauze is largely an intermediate’s dream, as part of the wider Milky Way (400km), it offers Olympic downhill in Sestriere and small-resort charm up the road in Claviere.  

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