Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for San Domenico di Varzo

Planning a ski trip to San Domenico di Varzo? Browse our collection of visitor-generated reviews that rank the mountain and ski town on a scale of one to five stars in the following categories: Overall Rating, All-Mountain Terrain, Nightlife, Terrain Park and Family Friendly. See how San Domenico di Varzo stacks up to others in terms of skiing and après, and read up on pros, cons and comments from fellow skiers and snowboarders. Don't forget to submit your own San Domenico di Varzo review! Scroll to the bottom of this page to let other travelers know about your ski area experience.

Skier & Snowboarder-Submitted Reviews for San Domenico di Varzo

Total (2.8)
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A ski resort's overall star rating displayed here is not calculated based on a simple average but takes several factors, including the age of a review, into account.
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Ishanvi Absher
The slopes have brand new lifts very fast which get you up in no time. A lot of parking available. There are not many amenities in the village (couple of pubs and restaurants) but very good value for money! Not many difficult slopes but for family / kids it is amazing, two tapis roulants (covered!) and a lot of space for the kids to learn safely.
Great for families
Not much nightlife
Leuk klein skigebied. Timmert enorm aan de weg. Voor weinig geld leren skiën of snowboarden, zit je hier goed. Sneeuwzeker, maar wel windgevoelig. Je moet met 2 stoeltjes liften omhoog uit het dorp om op de piste te komen en deze zijn gesloten als het teveel waait. Eten en drinken zijn (nog) goedkoop. Sfeer is super gemoedelijk, mede dankzij de relaxte snowboard community.
Kleinschalig, goedkoop, sneeuwzeker, ideaal voor de beginners.
Niet veel pistes, windgevoelig, weinig accomodatie, weinig bars.
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