Koziniec ski Ski Pass Prices

How much is a ski pass in Koziniec ski? Find prices for single day, half-day and multi-day ski lift passes in Koziniec ski. Navigate to Season Passes using the button below to see the various ski pass options that Koziniec ski offers returning skiers and riders. Koziniec ski ski pass prices are provided to OnTheSnow or sourced directly from the ski resort, who is responsible for its accuracy. Ski pass prices are often dynamic and subject to change. Contact Koziniec ski or visit their website for the latest lift ticket pricing, deals and discounts or to purchase ski lift tickets and season passes.

Koziniec ski Season Passes

*All prices in PLN
Valid for:
Valid for: 2022-2023Price expires: 12 Mar 20231,500.001,699.001,500.00
Special Note: PL - Karnet ważny na wyciągach TATRY SUPER SKI na terenie Polski (BIAŁKA TATRZAŃSKA: Bania Ski & Fun, Horników Wierch, Kaniówka, Kotelnica Białczańska | BUKOWINA TATRZAŃSKA: Rusiń-Ski | CZARNA GÓRA: Grapa-Litwinka, Koziniec | JURGÓW: Jurgów-Ski | KLUSZKOWCE: Czorsztyn-Ski | NOWY TARG: Długa Polana | SZCZAWNICA - PKL Palenica | ZAKOPANE: Polana Szymoszkowa, Harenda-Wyciągi |SUCHE: Ski-Suche | WITÓW: Witów-Ski). Karnet ulgowy TATRY SUPER SKI, przysługuje dzieciom i młodzieży najpóźniej do ukończenia 16 roku życia (16-te urodziny są pierwszym dniem utraty zniżki) oraz seniorom, którzy ukończyli 65 lat (65-te urodziny są pierwszym dniem nabycia zniżki). Okres ważności: 14 dowolonych dni w sezonie

Last update of prices 2022 Nov 09. Disclaimer: Ski pass prices are provided to OnTheSnow directly by the ski resorts who are responsible for their accuracy. Season pass prices and daily ski lift passes are subject to change. Call ski resort for updates.

Koziniec ski Ski Passes

*All prices in PLN
Last Updated: 25 Oct 2022
Half Day125.00135.00125.00
Two-day ski pass275.00295.00275.00
6-day ski pass700.00760.00700.00
Special Note: Karnet ważny na wyciągach TATRY SUPER SKI na terenie Polski (BIAŁKA TATRZAŃSKA: Bania, Kaniówka, Kotelnica Białczańska | BUKOWINA TATRZAŃSKA: Rusń-Ski | CZARNA GÓRA: Grapa-Litwinka, Koziniec | JURGÓW: Jurgów-Ski | KLUSZKOWCE: Czorsztyn-Ski | NOWY TARG: Długa Polana | SZCZAWNICA - PKL Palenica | ZAKOPANE: Polana Szymoszkowa, Harenda-Wyciągi | ZAWOJA: PKL Mosorny Groń |SUCHE: SkiSuche | WITÓW: Witów-Ski) oraz na terenie Słowacji (BACHLEDOVA DOLINA: BACHLEDKA Ski and Sun | ORAVICE: Meander Thermal & Ski Resort | ŽDIAR: Strachan Ski Centrum). Karnet popołudniowy "4 godziny po 16" obowiązuje od godziny 16:00 przez 4 godziny, od momentu pierwszego użycia. W przypadku gdy wyciąg czynny jest krócej niż czas ważności karnetu, karnet obowiązuje do zamknięcia wyciągu. Dziecko poniżej 120 cm wzrostu może otrzymać Karnet TATRY SUPER SKI bezpłatnie wyłącznie w przypadku, gdy osoba pełnoletnia sprawująca opiekę nad takim dzieckiem dokona jednocześnie zakupu dla siebie Karnetu TATRY SUPER SKI. Wyjaśnia się, że na jednego opiekuna przysługuje wyłącznie jeden bezpłatny Karnet (zasada: jeden opiekun – jedno dziecko). Dziecko otrzymuje w takim przypadku Karnet TATRY SUPER SKI na taki sam okres ważności jak Karnet zakupiony przez osobę pełnoletnią sprawującą nad nim opiekę. Pomiar wzrostu dziecka wykonywany jest przy kasach w stroju narciarskim wraz z kaskiem (bez nart lub snowboardu).

Last update of prices 2022 Oct 25. Disclaimer: Ski pass prices are provided to OnTheSnow directly by the ski resorts who are responsible for their accuracy. Season pass prices and daily ski lift passes are subject to change. Call ski resort for updates.

Plan Your Trip

Koziniec ski Ski Pass and Lift Ticket Info

Koziniec ski Season Pass Info

How many times will you visit Koziniec ski resort? Even if planning on skiing just a few times at Koziniec ski, a season pass is often the best choice for skiers and riders. A season pass typically pays for itself after just a few days on the mountain. Skiers can choose from various season passes.

Season Pass holders get the best lift ticket price and tons of benefits.


Koziniec ski Daily Lift Tickets Info

Get ready for the 2024-2025 ski season with an estimated start date of 2024 Dec 14 and a tentative end date of 2025 Feb 23. With the 8 slopes and 5 lifts, ski pass holders have a lot to get excited about for the upcoming ski season.

Daily Lift Tickets for the 2024-2025 ski season vary depending on whether you buy your lift ticket before the season starts, during the peak season or at the end of the season. Other factors include age and the number of days you plan on skiing. Some ski resorts offer dynamic lift ticket pricing, which means the price changes depending on the time of year and how far in advance you buy the lift ticket.


Our tip: You can buy cheaper ski passes before the season begins and toward the end of the season, during what’s considered spring skiing. If the ski resort offers dynamic ski pass prices, it is worth buying a ski pass in advance. Typically, you can also save money by buying ski passes online, rather than paying them at the ticket window on the day you plan on skiing.


Where to purchase Lift Tickets?

Lift tickets can be purchased online through a resort website, or in person at the ski resort’s ticket window. For detailed information call the ski resort at +48 605 050 184.


The Deals

Purchasing your tickets in advance is the best way to save money. We recommend checking out the resort’s special offers page for a variety of deals on lift tickets, lodging, retail, and more. Additionally, ski resorts often send special offers to their email subscribers.

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