This was the most fun I have ever had on a mountain, but it was pretty rough on the body. Since you are sledding down legitimate ski runs (not bob-sled trails) with only the moonlight and flaming torches to mark your way, it takes awhile to learn how to keep yourself on the trail and keep yourself on the sled while travelling at a sane speed...but it is all worth it! It is outrageously fun! It's a long run...we did only 10 runs in 3 hours going non-stop and with no lift lines. My 10th run was the first all the way down the mountain without falling off or bailing...but glorious! No small children, and no wimps of any age...helmets are a MUST for safety's sake. Go with a buddy or two, and consider wearing a litestick to help finding them! (If you fly off the trail or get hurt, you're going to want someone else to get help for you!) Bring a change of dry clothes so you're not wet & freezing cold for the drive home! AWESOME FUN!!